On July 25, HCPA and American Coatings Association (ACA) staff had a conference call with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Air Pollution Control Division staff to discuss the agency’s initial plans to consider developing separate regulations for consumer products and architectural coatings.

CDPHE staff has not started an official process to consider consumer product regulations. However, the agency plans to initiate a stakeholder process in November, kicking it off with an industry meeting to discuss possible regulations with industry stakeholders. They are currently looking at holding a meeting (in-person and via conference call) during the first two full weeks in November. If the CDPHE decides to move forward with developing regulations, they indicated that a proposed regulation would likely be issued in Spring 2019.

In the event that the CDPHE decides to move forward in developing new regulations, both HCPA and ACA strongly urged the CDPHE to consider using the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) Model Rule for Consumer Products and the Model Rule for Architectural Coatings to ensure consistent VOC limits, definitions for product categories and exemption provisions.

HCPA staff will keep you informed as soon as a kick-off meeting date is announced. Please contact HCPA staff if you have any questions or need additional information.


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