On March 13, Kevin Serafino, Director, Federal Government Relations & Public Policy, attended the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce’s Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee hearing entitled “Mismanaging Chemical Risks: EPA’s Failure to Protect Workers.” The hearing broadly addressed the implementation of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, an update to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

More specifically, the subcommittee examined the experiences of several groups of workers that have been exposed to hazardous substances in the workplace, as well as the intersection between the regulatory jurisdictions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and worker protections covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA). The witnesses included auto workers, firefighters, farmworkers, and teachers’ unions, as well as experts on the Lautenberg Act’s requirements for the evaluation of new and existing chemicals.

For more information on the hearing and the written testimony of the witnesses, click here.

Please contact Kevin Serafino, Director, Federal Government Relations & Public Policy, at kserafino@thehcpa.org for additional comments or questions.


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