On January 24, HCPA met with key allied trade associations including the American Coatings Association (ACA), the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), the Fragrance Creators Association (FCA), and the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), to review the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) most recent consumer product survey data summaries. Our mutual goal has always been to ensure that CARB survey data is as accurate as possible. Accuracy allows the agency to use this information to identify specific product categories to include in its upcoming regulatory action.

California’s current State Implementation Plan commitment requires CARB to develop new regulatory standards to achieve significant additional volatile organic compound (VOC) reductions in consumer products. CARB will conduct the first stakeholders’ workshop in early 2019 (which HCPA will attend) and plans to complete the new rulemaking process by the end of 2020.

The HCPA Air Quality Committee members and staff will review and discuss the CARB updated draft summaries to evaluate the data for accuracy and develop written comments by the March 6 deadline to assist CARB in ensuring accuracy.

HCPA has worked with CARB staff on their Consumer Products Regulations for more than 30 years. This work is critical for our member companies because the data will shape future VOC regulations issued by CARB, which will ultimately be followed by many other states. Companies spend significant resources and time to develop formulations that comply with VOC regulations, which under California law must be commercially and technologically feasible and based upon accurate data.

Please contact Nicholas Georges, Director, Scientific & International Affairs, at ngeorges@thehcpa.org for any additional comments or questions.


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