The California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff conducted a work group meeting on February 26 to continue discussions about the initial draft proposal to revise volatile organic compound (VOC) limits for specified categories of consumer products. More than a dozen HCPA member company representatives participated in the Sacramento meeting and many others participated via conference call. Joe Yost, Vice President, Strategic Alliances & Industry Relations, presented HCPA member companies’ consensus positions on the following issues:

  • Expanding the scope of the Most Restrictive Limit provision to include web-based marketing claims as part of the product label in determining whether the product is subject to a lower VOC limit
  • Differentiating Institutional products (which are regulated by CARB) from Industrial products (which are not regulated by CARB)
  • Limiting the retail sale of energized electrical cleaners
  • Requiring that a product meet a specified minimum level below the applicable VOC limit for that product to be included in an Alternative Control Plan
  • Excluding products that combust VOCs from being eligible for the Innovative Product Exemption

During this meeting, HCPA and other industry representatives provided facts about how products are manufactured, sold and used. This information exchange process is essential to CARB’s actions to consider all relevant facts in developing the new regulatory standards and provisions. HCPA and our member companies will continue to meet directly with senior CARB staff and participate in all future work group meetings.


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