On June 28, the United States Senate unanimously passed HR 1029, the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act (PRIEA), also known as PRIA 4. The bill was passed as a seven-year reauthorization from September 2017, meaning PRIA would be reauthorized through 2023. The bill was also passed with an amendment relating to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) at the EPA. HCPA is working diligently with our coalition partners to encourage the U.S. House of Representatives to quickly hold a voice vote and unanimously pass PRIA 4 once again, as it did earlier this year.  

While we continue to work for unanimous passage of PRIA 4 in the House, PRIA reauthorization was also included in the House Farm Bill. 

With the Senate passage of its Farm Bill two weeks ago, conversations are taking place to decide whether there will be an official conference committee process to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate versions or if there will simply be an amendment process in both chambers. The HCPA continues to advocate for PRIA reauthorization through whatever vehicle will lead to successful passage, which includes the insertion of PRIA 4 into the final version of the Farm Bill until HR 1029 is signed by the president.



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